Understanding Collective Action in a Political Trolling Community
Political troll groups recently gained spotlight because they were considered cen- tral in helping Donald Trump win the 2016 US presidential election, which ...
Trump, Tarifs and Trade - Investing Solutions at TDDuties (% of tax on corp income). Recession. Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P.. 1 The IEEPA is extremely attractive to President Trump, but he still has several ... Trump, Tariffs and Trade - Investing Solutions at TDDuring the youth of is especially partial to the International Emergency. America, a tariff was simply the only tax it could hope. Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) ... Building Energy Efficiency - Office of Technology Assessment ArchiveOne of the most commonly cited empirical studies on residential energy conservation behaviors in the. U.S. uses home energy reports comparing monthly ... [6450-01-P] DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 CFR Part 474 [EERE ...(a) This part designates energy measures and the types of, and re- quirements for, energy audits as re- quired by the Department of Energy, pursuant to Section ... Energy conservation at home - VU Research PortalENERGY CONSERVATION FINANCING. AN ACT Relating to financing energy conservation measures; amending section I, chaptvr. 239, Laws of 1979 ex. sess. and RCW ... Energy Measures And Energy Audits, 10 C.F.R. (1991) - LocEnergy Conservation Policy Act (NECPA) contained requirements for energy conservation in apartment buildings, and a report by the Federal Trade Commission ... washington laws, 1983Japan announced its first target average energy-efficiency standards in 1979, for refrigerators, refrigerator- freezers, and household air ... Can Energy-Efficient Electrical Appliances be considered ... - NETMay 15,. 1995). The Rule requires manufacturers of all covered appliances and pool heaters to disclose specific energy consumption or efficiency information ( ... Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 71/Friday, April 12, 2002/Rules and ...Taking a long-run historical perspective, we analyze how debates about energy efficiency have evolved in the. Energy Requirements for Transportation Systems - Oregon.govWith the signing of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. (EPCA), all but two of these proposals have been enacted in a form similar to originally proposed ... 1974-1978 residential/commercial - Department of EnergyThis report examines energy conservation measures that offer significant potential for reduction in actual or projected energy consumption levels in residential ... SUBCHAPTER D?ENERGY CONSERVATION - GovInfo420.10 Purpose. 420.11 Allocation of funds among the States. 420.12 State matching contribution. 420.13 Annual. State applications.
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