Building Energy Efficiency - Office of Technology Assessment Archive

One of the most commonly cited empirical studies on residential energy conservation behaviors in the. U.S. uses home energy reports comparing monthly ...

[6450-01-P] DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 CFR Part 474 [EERE ...
(a) This part designates energy measures and the types of, and re- quirements for, energy audits as re- quired by the Department of Energy, pursuant to Section ...
Energy conservation at home - VU Research Portal
ENERGY CONSERVATION FINANCING. AN ACT Relating to financing energy conservation measures; amending section I, chaptvr. 239, Laws of 1979 ex. sess. and RCW ...
Energy Measures And Energy Audits, 10 C.F.R. (1991) - Loc
Energy Conservation Policy Act (NECPA) contained requirements for energy conservation in apartment buildings, and a report by the Federal Trade Commission ...
washington laws, 1983
Japan announced its first target average energy-efficiency standards in 1979, for refrigerators, refrigerator- freezers, and household air ...
Can Energy-Efficient Electrical Appliances be considered ... - NET
May 15,. 1995). The Rule requires manufacturers of all covered appliances and pool heaters to disclose specific energy consumption or efficiency information ( ...
Federal Register/Vol. 67, No. 71/Friday, April 12, 2002/Rules and ...
Taking a long-run historical perspective, we analyze how debates about energy efficiency have evolved in the.
Energy Requirements for Transportation Systems -
With the signing of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. (EPCA), all but two of these proposals have been enacted in a form similar to originally proposed ...
1974-1978 residential/commercial - Department of Energy
This report examines energy conservation measures that offer significant potential for reduction in actual or projected energy consumption levels in residential ...
420.10 Purpose. 420.11 Allocation of funds among the States. 420.12 State matching contribution. 420.13 Annual. State applications.
Joint UNDP/Worid Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance ...
The Joint UNDP/World Benk Energy Sector Management Assistance. Program (ESMAP), started in April 1983, assists countries in implementing.
The starting point for estimating primary energy savings are the savings calculated using the TD method. ... regulated by the Act on Efficient Energy Use ...
This is a wide-ranging Act designed to promote energy conservation in a variety of different areas.79 Only three sections relate to the. 77 See California ...