The blue and white

Aside from gender-specific orgasm indicators (i.e., ejaculation; squirting), several notable gender differences were documented (see Table 2.3). Although no ...

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Lithium and suicide in mood disorders - Oxford Health BRC
However, QT prolongation can carry a risk of becoming severe. Therefore, an ECG should always be taken in patients presenting with lithium ...
The Genetics of Response to and Side Effects of Lithium Treatment ...
Long-term over-exposure via inhalation or ingestion can produce kidney and thyroid disorders and central nervous system effects. Lithium carbonate is a ...
Lithium and Erectile Dysfunction: An Overview
The aim of this study was to identify the most common endocrine side effects associated with this drug and to clarify the pathophysiological basis. A systematic ...
Lithium in older patients: Treatment patterns and somatic adverse ...
Objective: The occurrence of tremor in patients receiving lithium is well known, but the management of this side effect is a significant problem both.
Effects of chronic lithium treatment on neuronal excitability ... - bioRxiv
Other medical conditions mentioned were dehydration, anorexia, alcohol abuse/intoxication, surgery, and diabetes insipidus. Clinical ...
Lithium carbonate-induced confusional state in patients with bipolar ...
hyperactive muscle stretch reflexes. No pathological reflexes were elicited. Dys¬ tonie posturing of the toes and dyskinetic movements of the tongue, face, ...
Effects of Toxic Lithium Levels on ECG?Findings from the LiSIE ...
The drug-free depressed patients reported sig- nificantly more side effects (poor memory, dry mouth, drowsiness) than did both the control subjects and the ...