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Lithium and suicide in mood disorders - Oxford Health BRC
However, QT prolongation can carry a risk of becoming severe. Therefore, an ECG should always be taken in patients presenting with lithium ...
The Genetics of Response to and Side Effects of Lithium Treatment ...
Long-term over-exposure via inhalation or ingestion can produce kidney and thyroid disorders and central nervous system effects. Lithium carbonate is a ...
Lithium and Erectile Dysfunction: An Overview
The aim of this study was to identify the most common endocrine side effects associated with this drug and to clarify the pathophysiological basis. A systematic ...
Lithium in older patients: Treatment patterns and somatic adverse ...
Objective: The occurrence of tremor in patients receiving lithium is well known, but the management of this side effect is a significant problem both.
Effects of chronic lithium treatment on neuronal excitability ... - bioRxiv
Other medical conditions mentioned were dehydration, anorexia, alcohol abuse/intoxication, surgery, and diabetes insipidus. Clinical ...
Lithium carbonate-induced confusional state in patients with bipolar ...
hyperactive muscle stretch reflexes. No pathological reflexes were elicited. Dys¬ tonie posturing of the toes and dyskinetic movements of the tongue, face, ...
Effects of Toxic Lithium Levels on ECG?Findings from the LiSIE ...
The drug-free depressed patients reported sig- nificantly more side effects (poor memory, dry mouth, drowsiness) than did both the control subjects and the ...
Lithium carbonate
The most common adverse effect is nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, which affects 20-40% of patients within weeks of lithium initiation. Chronic nephro- pathy ...