Approved Conservation Advice for Honeymyrtle shrubland on ... The Department acknowledges the Aboriginal peoples of Western Australia as the traditional custodians of this land, and ...

ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 1.4 - Shire of Augusta Margaret River
The City of Fremantle acknowledges the Whadjuk people as the. Traditional Owners of the greater Fremantle/Walyalup area and we ... Rockingham in ...
Annual Report - City of Fremantle
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Wardandi Noongar people, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future.
Gugu Badhun sovereignty, self-determination, and nationhood
The Australian Sports Commission recognises the traditional owners of the games and activities that formed the ... Rockingham; booloolul wabbin ('playing hockey') ...
Traditional Indigenous Games
Michael McDonald said he and his wife are landowners next to the proposed campground, which he indicated has a potential for 100 campers, and ...
MINUTES - City of Cockburn
I acknowledge the Nyungar People who are the traditional custodians of the land we are meeting on and I pay respect to the Elders of the ...
UIIUt - Western Australian Legislation
Crown Law Department,. Perth, 26th February, 1953. HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, under section 744 of the Criminal Code Act, 1913,.
Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1377/57 Submissions ...
The Western Australian Planning Commission acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of this land. We pay our respect to Elders ...
12 December 2022 - Minutes - No 218 - City of Rockingham
The Presiding Member declared the meeting open at 9:31am on 12 December. 2022 and acknowledged the traditional owners and paid respect to Elders ...
Ombudsman Western Australia
Ombudsman Western Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia as the traditional custodians of this land.
Western Australia - DBCA Library
association with the Nyungar Aboriginal people who lived in this area for thousands of years. For non-Indigenous people the area has been an important.
1 2023-24 ANNUAL REPORT - City of Fremantle
The City of Fremantle acknowledges the Whadjuk people as the Traditional Owners of the great. Fremantle / Walyalup area and we recognise that ...
Heritage - Parliament of Western Australia
extension to commemorate the area's original Aboriginal owners. ? This Notice was originally considered by the ACMC at its meeting in ...