Ombudsman Western Australia

Ombudsman Western Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia as the traditional custodians of this land.

Western Australia - DBCA Library
association with the Nyungar Aboriginal people who lived in this area for thousands of years. For non-Indigenous people the area has been an important.
1 2023-24 ANNUAL REPORT - City of Fremantle
The City of Fremantle acknowledges the Whadjuk people as the Traditional Owners of the great. Fremantle / Walyalup area and we recognise that ...
Heritage - Parliament of Western Australia
extension to commemorate the area's original Aboriginal owners. ? This Notice was originally considered by the ACMC at its meeting in ...
Gnarla Biddi - Metronet
SWALSC is the Native Title Representative Body of the Noongar people, the Traditional Owners of the South West of Western Australia.
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S.XIX-1227 (III) Parte 1.pdf - Biblioteca Digital Floridablanca
dador y la fiesta de Pentecostes? como si Jesucristo, que podía completar ... «,Palabras memorables que Jesucristo dirigió á san Pedro, por las. «que le ...
ORTODOXIA - cristiandad
Pedro. Y ornado de preciosas perlas la corona de gloria que adorna a la Esposa de Cristo. Y, todavía hoy, es este Amor, este divino ...