Td solo, Dios mió, las puedes veneer. Piedad para el triste que busca su patria. Cruzando la mar;. En ella su esposa, sus hijos le esperan. Sefior, ten piedad ...

tesis noción de mundo social que se propicia en la enseñanza de la ...
Derechos y permisos. Todo el contenido de este libro es propiedad intelectual de sus autores quienes, sin embargo, otorgan permiso al lector para copiar, ...
De los sistemas complejos a la imaginación heterodoxa
AUTORIZAiCION Nqm. 7 concedida al señor Lic. José L., Estado de Relaciones Exteriores, expidió en la ciudad de. C&8sío. para ejercer las funciones de' ...
Historia del teatro guadalupano a través de sus textos - AWS
Esta obra se encuentra disponible en Acceso Abierto para copiarse, distribuirse y transmitirse con propósitos no comerciales.
Reconnue pour son travail en poésie performée, Véronique Bachand a foulé de nombreuses scènes de littérature orale, notamment avec son premier spectacle ...
A Hybrid Dynamic Stabilization and Fusion System in Multilevel ...
motion at L3-L4 whereas hyperlordotic alignment of L4-L5 resulted in the greatest amount of flexion- extension motion at L5-S1(20). This study found that.
The Results of Using a Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion ...
Methods : We enrolled patients with symptomatic DS at L4?5 who underwent TLIF with open pedicle screw fixation (TLIF group, n=41) or minimally invasive LLIF ...
Comparison between transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and ...
operation after spinal fusion at isolated L4-L5 level. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg,. 75(4), 270-275. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1349331.
Evidence Service - Transport Accident Commission
Spondylolysis occurring after a spinal fusion is considered to result from operative damage to the pars interarticularis on both sides. Fourteen.
Opmaak 1 - Acta Orthopaedica Belgica
Out of the 27 levels, the most affected level is L4-L5 (10 levels, 37%), followed by L3-L4 (8 levels, 29.7%), then L5-S1 (6 levels, 22.3%) with the least at L2-.
High-Grade Spondylolisthesis - Indiana Spine Group
coma pared instrumented fusion versus physical therapy with cognitive exercises in patients presenting with chronic low-back pain and spondylosis at L4?5 and/or ...
Correction of Spondylolisthesis by Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion ...
It may be caused by chronic disc degeneration and/or facet degenerative changes (i.e., degenerative spondylolisthesis, most commonly L4-L5),.
Lumbar Fusion for Spinal Instability and Degenerative Disc ...
Many surgeons, however, prefer the ALIF approach for the management of discogenic low back pain, especially at L5/S1 and L4/5 as this technique ... Cole CD, ...