Reconnue pour son travail en poésie performée, Véronique Bachand a foulé de nombreuses scènes de littérature orale, notamment avec son premier spectacle ...
A Hybrid Dynamic Stabilization and Fusion System in Multilevel ...motion at L3-L4 whereas hyperlordotic alignment of L4-L5 resulted in the greatest amount of flexion- extension motion at L5-S1(20). This study found that. The Results of Using a Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion ...Methods : We enrolled patients with symptomatic DS at L4?5 who underwent TLIF with open pedicle screw fixation (TLIF group, n=41) or minimally invasive LLIF ... Comparison between transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and ...operation after spinal fusion at isolated L4-L5 level. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg,. 75(4), 270-275. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1349331. Evidence Service - Transport Accident CommissionSpondylolysis occurring after a spinal fusion is considered to result from operative damage to the pars interarticularis on both sides. Fourteen. Opmaak 1 - Acta Orthopaedica BelgicaOut of the 27 levels, the most affected level is L4-L5 (10 levels, 37%), followed by L3-L4 (8 levels, 29.7%), then L5-S1 (6 levels, 22.3%) with the least at L2-. High-Grade Spondylolisthesis - Indiana Spine Groupcoma pared instrumented fusion versus physical therapy with cognitive exercises in patients presenting with chronic low-back pain and spondylosis at L4?5 and/or ... Correction of Spondylolisthesis by Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion ...It may be caused by chronic disc degeneration and/or facet degenerative changes (i.e., degenerative spondylolisthesis, most commonly L4-L5),. Lumbar Fusion for Spinal Instability and Degenerative Disc ...Many surgeons, however, prefer the ALIF approach for the management of discogenic low back pain, especially at L5/S1 and L4/5 as this technique ... Cole CD, ... The Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative Disease of ...Most commonly seen in women at the L4?5 disc level, characteristic symptoms include lower back pain, leg pain and intermittent claudication. Pain in ... Lumbar interbody fusion: techniques, indications and comparison of ...Oblique lateral interbody fusion could be considered as an acceptable surgical option for degenerative lumbar lesions, especially at L4-5 level. Indications for Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion - ResearchGateDans la littérature, la prothèse discale, par comparaison à la fusion ou à la rééducation multidisciplinaire, peut améliorer la fonction et la ... Minimally Invasive Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion for L4-5A hybrid proce- dure consisted of a disc replacement at the superior L4/. L5 and corresponding ALIF at inferior L5/S1 level. Ethical Statement.
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