Project Lighting

Stripes | Modular Systeme | Sets. 24-25. Stripes flexibel 2200K bis 6750K. 26-32. Stripes flexibel Warmweiß 12V DC. 33-37. Stripes flexibel Warmweiß 24V DC.

Seite 2 - 7
Gehäuse für NV-Leuchten 1290-41, für Ortbeton, Kunststoff, für einen elektronischen Sicherheits-Transformator bis 105 VA, SELV schlanke ... Klingeltrafo 230V/8+ ...
BIG WHITE - MP-Leuchten
OSRAM MOUSE 105. 12~. 230~ max. 2,5 mm2. 50-150. VA. Maße: L/B/H: 15,2/5,4/6,2 cm. Hinweis: Durchgangsverdrahtung. Sekundärseite: 3 Schraubklemmenpaare dimmbar ...
The new LIGHT impression is available and offers again a wide selection of products with regards to light designs. Excellent quality, modern designs and ...
2013 2014
... 12V. 332-341 Schienensystem ONE 230V. 342-351 Schienensystem TUNE 230V. 352-383 ... Osram Allgemeinleuchtmittel. 604-605 Philips Allgemeinleuchtmittel. 608 ...
EN 00 HK Profile 2015_Layout 1
... 12V. 386-391 rail system ONE 230V. 392-419 rail system 3-phase 230V. TRUSS ... OSRAM energy saving lamp 36W. 201020 4000 K (2800 lm). EEC: A. 201021 3000 K ...
? A range of 12V halogen capsule lamps to operate on. 12V transformers. Benefits: ? Fully dimmable. ? Range of bases and wattages available. Watt. Volt. Base.
big white 2013 - focused on light - BayWa r.e.
The dispatch is generally carried out ex-works and cash in advance, so far other agreements have not been made. The sender carries the packaging costs.
Electronic 12V low voltage transformer for LINUX LIGHT, chrome, plastic, max. ... 230V /12V. 20-70VA tc: 80°C/ta: 50°C. 10.8 / 5.2 / 3.3. 461105. Osram Mouse 105.
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Termes manquants :
?? ?sustina???? S13*1/S23*2/HYBRID*3? - ???????
First Love?????(Universal). I?????(Sony). Kiroro?????. Kiroro ... JUJU with ????. (Sony Music Labels Inc.) ???????. MISIA. (Sony ...