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Apr 2023 New Book List - ?????
TD 196 .B85 E36 2021. Principles of electric machines / P. C. Sen. Sen ... ?= Masquerade night / ??, ????; ??,. ????; ??, ????, ? ...
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Deep learning: new computational modelling techniques for genomics
Here, we present scPred, a new generalizable method that is able to provide highly accurate classification of single cells, using a combination of unbiased ...
Cell identi cation from scRNA-seq data with Variational Autoencoders
A large portion of the information contained in next-generation sequencing data is potentially lost through classical bioinformatics analysis.
learning models for prognosis prediction using multi-omics data
The top-performing techniques reached a near perfect classification accuracy, demonstrating the utility of supervised learning for RNA-seq based data analysis.
Interpretable Machine Learning for Genomics | Research Square
Analysis of strand-specific RNA-seq data using machine learning reveals the structures of transcription units in Clostridium thermocellum ...