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JAERI - M - 87?061 - INIS
Keishi SAKAMOTO. Tsuyoshi IMAI. Yoshitaka IKEDA. Kazuya UEHARA. Tsuneyuki FUJII. Mikio SAIGUSA, Masao HONDA, Norio SUZUKI. Kenji YOKOKURA, Masanii SEKI, ...
Heritability of Serum Iron, Ferritin and Transferrin Saturation in a ...
Ferritin cut off values between 12 ?g/L to 70 ?g/L have previously been proposed to be diagnostic for deplet- ed iron stores (11, 16, 17, 32, ...
Review Article Iron Overload Diseases of Genetic Origin - Sign in
Whereas patients with hereditary hemochromatosis have low serum transferrin levels, little is known about transferrin turnover in HFE deficiency states. We ...
Expert Level - EDTNA/ERCA
Administration of holoTf restores serum iron and Tf saturation levels to those observed in control mice and results in an increase in hepcidin ...
Catalog Soluble Transferrin Receptor for IMMAGE® 800 - Beckman ...
Aims Transferrin saturation (TSAT), a marker of iron deficiency, reflects both serum concentrations of iron (SIC) and transferrin (STC).
article-1-5062-en.pdf - International Journal of Radiation Research -
A transferrin saturation of less than 16% indicates an iron supply that is insufficient to support normal erythropoiesis. Diagnosing iron ...
Labile plasma iron levels predict survival in patients with lower-risk ...
In blood, soluble TfR is completely bound to Tf and circulates as sTfR-Tf complex. The determination of the sTfR level in blood has become widely used in ...
Four variants in transferrin and HFE genes as potential markers of ...
Conclusion: Serum ferritin and transferrin levels are associated with the phenotype of MDI-OA. (J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122:774-80.) Key words: MDI, ...
High Prevalence of Iron Deficiency among Educated Hospital ...
Demographic and clinical variables stratified by transfusion density (TD), where TD- low and TD-high were defined as below and above the median TD, respectively ...
Transferrin, Transferrin Receptor and their complex - HyTest Ltd.
The control group consisted of 20 healthy cows in the same age range. Serum Fe, TD and TDBK levels were significantly lower in PT and RPT groups.
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