Catalog Soluble Transferrin Receptor for IMMAGE® 800 - Beckman ...

Aims Transferrin saturation (TSAT), a marker of iron deficiency, reflects both serum concentrations of iron (SIC) and transferrin (STC).

article-1-5062-en.pdf - International Journal of Radiation Research -
A transferrin saturation of less than 16% indicates an iron supply that is insufficient to support normal erythropoiesis. Diagnosing iron ...
Labile plasma iron levels predict survival in patients with lower-risk ...
In blood, soluble TfR is completely bound to Tf and circulates as sTfR-Tf complex. The determination of the sTfR level in blood has become widely used in ...
Four variants in transferrin and HFE genes as potential markers of ...
Conclusion: Serum ferritin and transferrin levels are associated with the phenotype of MDI-OA. (J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122:774-80.) Key words: MDI, ...
High Prevalence of Iron Deficiency among Educated Hospital ...
Demographic and clinical variables stratified by transfusion density (TD), where TD- low and TD-high were defined as below and above the median TD, respectively ...
Transferrin, Transferrin Receptor and their complex - HyTest Ltd.
The control group consisted of 20 healthy cows in the same age range. Serum Fe, TD and TDBK levels were significantly lower in PT and RPT groups.
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