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files99778Revisi Buku Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Anemia ...
Abstract. Krepek tette is a variety of casava-based chips. However, the process production is quite different with cassava chips. After peeling, cassava is ...
Mutu sensori dan keamanan mikrob garam dengan fortifikasi kerang ...
In 100 g of tilapia fish contains around 12 g-17 g protein, 0.1 g-0.18 g fat, 3.03 mg-4.78 mg calcium , and 360 mg-610 mg phosphorus. (Ramlah ...
fortifikasi tepung biji durian terhadap karakteristik fisika
yodium (2,54 µg/g) tertinggi dibandingkan dengan sumber lainnya seperti ikan (0,076 µg/g), bayam (0,834. µg/g), dan wortel (0,193 µg/g).
fortifikasi kalium dan serat menggunakan tepung
ABSTRACT: This study aims to find the well-coated Dunaliella Salina Microcapsule (DSM) and use it as a supplement for sago bagea cookies.
The design of the drying chamber is in the form of a cylinder, the dimensions of the cylinder are determined based on the planned drying capacity of 5000 g of ...
keputusan menteri kesehatan republik indonesia
While in palm oil waste treatment, the TDS and TSS reduced by 92% and 98%. The electrode loss rate in palm oil waste treatment was 2 (two) times greater than ...
INTRODUCTION. Iodine is a small (micro) component needed by the human body. Iodine plays a role in brain development.
Effects of Microencapsulated Dunaliella Salina Algae on Sensory ...
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Factors that Influence Direct Selling in the Cosmetic Market - S-Space
?????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ? ??. ????? ????? ... and Evans, T. D. 1998. Nitrate dynamics in biosolids-treated soils. ? ...