Gómez-Puig, M., Sosvilla-Rivero, S., & Martinez-Zarzoso, I. (2022). On the heterogeneous link between public debt and economic growth. Journal of ...

Contingent Convertible Bonds and Macroeconomic Stability in a ...
This paper develops a kaleckian economy in a stock-flow consistent (SFC) model to assess the effect of contingent convertible bonds (CoCos) in terms of ...
Public debt dynamics and nonlinear effects on economic growth
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to existing literature by investigating the nonlinear impact of public debt on economic growth, ...
Les dépenses publiques comme un instrument de relance ...
Les dépenses publiques comme un instrument de relance économique : Etude des variables macroéconomiques explicatives de la croissance en Algérie 1974-2014 ».
(FMI/BM/OMC) - OMDs. APE. Terrorisme international. Sida. Redéploiement des ... Sosvilla-Rivero, Simon. 100. Fehr, Ernst. 297. Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia. 297.
?Quantifying sovereign risk in the euro area? - UB
Simon Sosvilla- Rivero thanks the. Department of Economics at the University of Barcelona for their hospitality. The opinions expressed in this paper are ...
Assessing the credibility of a target zone: Evidence from the EMS
Simón Sosvilla-. Rivero also acknowledges partial financial support by the Spanish Ministry of. Education, through DGICYT Project PB98-0546-C02- ...
Measuring sovereign risk in peripheral euro area countries with ...
Abstract. This paper proposes a modified contingent claims model that incorporates the priority structure of creditors to measure and monitor sovereign ...
Les politiques d'ajustement budgétaire après la crise financière de ...
et Sosvilla-Rivero, 2015; et Puente-Ajovín et Sanso?Navarro, 2015 ... FMI., (2009) ?The State of Public Finances Cross-Country Fiscal ...
Public Debt - Economic Growth Nexus in the WAMZ
This study presents novel empirical evidence on the optimal disaggregated public debt-growth threshold in the WAMZ over the period 1996-2022 ...
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