Les dépenses publiques comme un instrument de relance ...

Les dépenses publiques comme un instrument de relance économique : Etude des variables macroéconomiques explicatives de la croissance en Algérie 1974-2014 ».

(FMI/BM/OMC) - OMDs. APE. Terrorisme international. Sida. Redéploiement des ... Sosvilla-Rivero, Simon. 100. Fehr, Ernst. 297. Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia. 297.
?Quantifying sovereign risk in the euro area? - UB
Simon Sosvilla- Rivero thanks the. Department of Economics at the University of Barcelona for their hospitality. The opinions expressed in this paper are ...
Assessing the credibility of a target zone: Evidence from the EMS
Simón Sosvilla-. Rivero also acknowledges partial financial support by the Spanish Ministry of. Education, through DGICYT Project PB98-0546-C02- ...
Measuring sovereign risk in peripheral euro area countries with ...
Abstract. This paper proposes a modified contingent claims model that incorporates the priority structure of creditors to measure and monitor sovereign ...
Les politiques d'ajustement budgétaire après la crise financière de ...
et Sosvilla-Rivero, 2015; et Puente-Ajovín et Sanso?Navarro, 2015 ... FMI., (2009) ?The State of Public Finances Cross-Country Fiscal ...
Public Debt - Economic Growth Nexus in the WAMZ
This study presents novel empirical evidence on the optimal disaggregated public debt-growth threshold in the WAMZ over the period 1996-2022 ...
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