Publications in the Scopus Database (2018 to Till Date) - DPU

... Pune City,. Maharashtra, India. Mondal S., Singh D., Kumar R. GeoJournal. 2022. 51. 2-s2.0-85122658469. Article. Development and Characterization of 5 ...

International Journal of BIOMEDICINE Dr Smita Joshi, Dr Uma Divate, Dr Pratima Sheth, Dr Soma Das, Jehangir Clinical Development Centre (JCDC) Pvt. Ltd. Jehangir Hospital Premises, Pune, India. Biennal Report 2010 - 2011 - IARC Publications DR. MEERA RAJ. S. HIMINDER LAL. Versus. PRAKASH KUMAR B AND ANR DIVATE[R-1]. FOR ADMISSION and I.R. and IA No.119138/2023-. EXEMPTION  Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai - KEM Hospital 1 Dr. B. A. M. University, Chhatrapati Samhajinagar, Maharashtra, India 2 Mahrah University, Maharah, Yemen. Abstract  ?????????? ????????????(Lü et al. 2013, 2016); ESC ?????????????. ???????, ???????????????????, ??  ?????????????????? ??????????????????????. ??????????????????????. ?????????????????????. ????????????????? - NET ????. ???????. ???????. ?, ?????. ???. ???. ?????, ?. ???????. ???????. ???, ???. ??????????????? - ??????????? ???????????. ??????????????????????. ??????????Fb????????????. ??????Fb ????  ???????????????? - ???????? ???????,??????????????????. ??,???????4 ??????[69],??????. ???????????????????????????. Vers une methode automatique de reconstruction 3D du tronc ... values of the smoothing parameters ?c = ?s = 3, since, qualitatively, noise is no longer visible on the filtered surface, while quantitatively the average  dynamo - IRIT Revue Archeologique Cinquieme Serie Tome.10 examen interne du livre même et à l'analyse du fond à corroborer ou infirmer, à préciser ou corriger l'impression créée par le témoignage de la tradition. I. Le Zend-Avesta - Internet Archive Processor, cache, locality, memory hierarchy, branch prediction, multicore, power, temperature. Multicore processors have now become  Section New Results - 2023 Inria teams activity reports tascit, flama/inflammascit, 1abo/labas/labasco, integro/integrasl redintegrasco, inuetero/inueteras/inueterasco'. Excipitur 'hio/hias' quod per sincopam a  Empreintes du passé - Horizon IRD I1 s'agit là d'une première indication sérieuse, si limitée soit-elle seul exemple de Termit, se dégage de l'examen comparé des gravures de l'Aïr. Application aux ressources en eau des - HAL Thèses Fremont, CA 94555 (US). WANG, Xuemei [CN/US]; 21153 Vista Del mar, San Mateo Black- thorn Close, Coventry CV4 7DQ (GB). (74) BARKER BRETTELL; 138  trajectory learning and following, with detection and tracking of Abstract: The global objective of these works concerns the navigation of au- tonomous robots on long routes in outdoor dynamic environments,