2015-2016 Catalog - Admissions & Records - Santa Rosa Junior ...

admissions and records, counseling, disabled student services, tutorial center, and career/transfer center), ..... fee (see course description in class schedule). High ..... www.santarosa.edu ? Santa Rosa Junior College ? 2015 ?2016 Catalog. 17. GED Test. $87.00 per examination. Health Fee. $19 fall, spring. $16 summer.

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Welcome to the 2012-13 catalog for ... www.santarosa.edu ? Santa Rosa Junior College ? 2012 ?2013 Catalog. About
SRJC. 4 and the online Schedule of Classes. The list of auditable courses is
maintained by the. Curriculum Office. 2 . Appropriate unit fees, based on
Education Code. (plus any classes are teleconferenced from Napa Valley
College to.2013-2014 Catalog - Saint Mary's College TEL 800·800·4SMC OR 925·631·4224. FAX 925·376·7193 smcadmit@stmarys-
ca.edu www.stmarys-ca.edu. Undergraduate Catalog of Courses. 2013. 2014
ACADEMIC CALENDAR. FALL TERM 2013. September 1 SUNDAY. Residence
Halls open for returning students. September 2 MONDAY. Labor Day Holiday.Spring 2014 - Napa Valley College Spring 2014. Summer 2013. Priority Registraon Informaon. A. Continuing
Students who attended NVC in. Fall 2013 and who have completed 45 - 100
units at Napa Valley College?www.napavalley.edu? Spring 2014. Schedule of
Classes. Admissions Informaon. Withdrawal. It is the student's responsibility to
officially drop  2016 ? 2017 academic calendar - Napa Valley College Schedule of Classes. The Schedule of Classes indicates course offerings for
credit, noncredit and community education courses. It is published during fall
guidance, tutorial assistance, financial and economic literacy, CSU External
Exam Credit information www.calstate.edu/acadAff/codedmemos/AA-2014-07.pdf
.2012-2014 - Napa Valley College hours per week as during Fall or Spring semesters. Students attending summer
classes should be prepared for an intensive period of study. The Schedule of
Classes for the Summer Session is published during the Spring Semester and
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