Drug Resistance - ResearchGate

2004. ?Simple, Phage-. Based (FASTPlaque) Technology to Determine Rifampicin Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Directly from Sputum.? International. Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 8: 1114?19. Andersen, P. 2001. ?TB Vaccines: Progress and Problems.? Trends in. Immunology 22: 160? 68. Anderson ...

Beg News, final quarterly issue - Semantic Scholar The basic experimental toolkit of phage "organismal" ecology consists of the
single-step growth (or one-step growth; cycle, especially within the context of a
phenomenon know as the microbial loop. .. Many PDF- (or, alternatively, html-)
based articles are online through PubMed or via the web sites of open access.Modelling of Wear on a Cam Profile The overall result is that all of them should be based on the mechanical system.
approach [4] and Sawyer thrown out by [5] wear a simple line of simple
mechanisms to continue the work supported .. electrochemical processes [8],
which can determine the applicability of treatment technique is the operational
cost of.Magnetic Separation Methods for the Detection of Mycobacterium ... Apr 13, 2017 For this reason the phage amplification assay method was developed. The
commercially available FASTPlaque TB6 assay enables rapid detection of viable
MAP within 24?48h based on the count of plaques produced when
mycobacteriophage- infected cells burst in a lawn of fast-growing Mycobacterium.GENERAL July 31, 2008 - Félix d'Hérelle Reference Center for ... Some articles appear in little- known, minor periodicals or books and doctoral
theses are notoriously hard to find. where phages are used as tools only (e.g.,
as cloning vectors, simple use of phage. DNA polymerase Induction of
prophage SPO2 in Bacillus subtilis by 6-(para)-hydroxyphenyl-azouracil. J. Virol
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