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The feasibility of using big data in anticipating and matching skills ...
CONCLUSIONS: In eleven postmortem cases effects of buprenorphine was considered the main cause of death even though the blood concentrations were comparable to ...
The IAEA has developed this publication to provide information on approaches to evaluating the suitability of commercial grade items for use in nuclear power ...
... have had significant experience or a track record of business success on which to develop robust assumptions. There may have been bias inherent in the deep ...
Measuring impacts ? The experience of the EIB-GDN programme
My book Democracies, published in 1984, was a com- parative study of twenty-one democracies in the period 1945-. 80. Its most important findings were (1) ...
Arend Lijphart Patterns of Democracy - can be
The views expressed in this publication are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the decisions of the stated policy of the World Health.
Evaluation in health promotion : principles and perspectives
This review stresses the phyletic unity and ecologi- cal diversity of European middle and late Miocene hominines, and explicitly recognizes the ...
Dryopithecins, Darwin, de Bonis, and the European origin of the ...
The objective of the study was to carry out an impact assessment in support of the future. European Commission Impact Assessment (IA) on the ...
ante benefits assessment Final report - Copernicus ex
have to be made to hospitals elsewhere for help (rarely completely successful), or registry staff have to travel long distances to track down medical records.
Cancer Registration: Principles and Methods - IARC Publications
Dr. Campos has written a new chapter on Chemo- denervation and assisted me with the review and revision of this sixth edition. I selected Dr ...
Meeting Global Challenges through Better Governance - OECD
L'éco-routage est une méthode de navigation du véhicule qui sélectionne les tra- jets vers une destination minisant la consommation de ...
Constrained Time-Dependent Adaptive Eco-Routing Navigation ...
Events. Title. Dates. Location. Gymnastics for all. 4th Asian Gymnaestrada. November. 2 ? 3. Singapore. SIN. Artistic Gymnastics.