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Abstract. In food, salt has several key roles including conservative and food perception. For this latter, it is well-known that the ...

Characterization of the sodium binding state in several food ...
Fourth edition (March 1999). This edition applies to Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all.
CICS Problem Determination Guide - Your.Org
You can also use the ES_HSF_CFG environment variable to configure the number of CICSF, TSQ, and. TDQ fields that are written to the record.
Micro Focus Enterprise Test Server 4.0
? TDQ requests & bytes. ? TSQ requests & bytes. ? START requests. ? SYNCPOINT requests. 24. Page 25. 25. TS Queue bytes. ? Trigger on amount of data written.
15884: Using Policies to Manage Critical CICS Resources
... (TD) . . . . . . . . . 59. Transient Data Definitions (TDD) ... TDQ (TDQ to hold monitoring information). This attribute specifies the name ...
TXSeries for Multiplatforms: Administration Reference
time horizon p?tdq, referred to as the data window size, is utilized. Incident Prioritization. Incident prioritization is the process of categorizing and ...
CICS TS for OS/390: CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference
... TDQ sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48. Running the TSQ sample ... (TD) is also available to multiple transactions, and is kept in queues ...
Java Applications in CICS - Free
In. CICS Transaction Server, a queue is represented by a TSQ control block. Each record on a queue has a TSI control block to describe the item. For main queues ...
CICS Update - CBT Tape
In TDQ data item can be read once only. To reuse the TDQ it must be closed and reopened. (3) Data can be changed in TSQ, but not in TDQ. (4) TSQ can be ...
CICS Event processing & CICS Policies
MQ, HTTP, transaction start, TDQ, TSQ, or custom EP adapter. ? Policy events can be emitted only to asynchronous and non-transactional EP ...
TIBCO Substation ES Operations and Administration
Read TSQ records from the specified Temporary. Storage Queue and produce a hex format printout of the queue record. Output is directed to.
There's a new Sheriff in Town CICS Policy Based Management
Use the TS Queue bytes policy rule type to define a threshold for the total amount of data that is written by a user task to either an individual temporary ...
CICS Administration Guide for Open Systems
... (TSQ) . . . . 66. Configuring the Temporary Storage Definitions. (TSD) ... (TD) . . . . 130. Configuring the Transaction Definitions (TD) in the permanent ...