Accessing Higher Education in the German State of Brandenburg
The contemporary transformation of higher education and research training (mainly doctoral studies) is a complex phenomenon, both in terms ...
Development and strategic benefits of learning and teaching centresAbstract: The article examines the peculiarities of professional training of managerial personnel in the field of education, using Ukrainian and foreign ... AD ALTA - MagnanimitasProfil court : Les récents développements en machine learning offrent des possibilités nouvelles pour renforcer et améliorer les performances des systèmes ... Demande de poste enseignant-chercheur - CentraleSupélecGovernments in collaboration with the higher education institutions explore how to support the revision of academic career schemes to include ... Recommendations for national/governmental support/action for the ...The current report presents a vision of an Irish higher education sector that can successfully meet the many social, economic and cultural challenges that face ... National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030Joint training events are organised with stakeholders including universities, higher education colleges, research institutes, strategic research centres and ... Promoting Enterprise-Higher Education RelationshipsHigh-Level Segment. Thursday, 22 October, 2020. 13:00?13:25 Opening. Moderator: Ms Valeriane Gauthier. Opening remarks. 2020 Global Education Meeting - Unesco.itThis synthetic document is a guide of practical methods, policy tools, and actionable instruments on greening higher education and research. INTEGRATING GREEN SKILLS INTO EDUCATION AND RESEARCHWe provide information, research, analyses and evidence on vocational education and training, skills and qualifications for policy- making in the EU Member ... The future of vocational education and training in Europe - CedefopOur programmes of education take into account the current challenges faced by our society, economic and societal issues and individual and collective ... SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: HOW CAN FRENCH ...This is the second Statement of Strategy of the. Department of Further and Higher Education,. Research, Innovation and Science. Statement of Strategy 2023-25The Doctoral School offers PhD students training activities that promote interdisciplinarity and the acquisition of a broader scientific culture, including the. Recommendations for national/governmental support/action for the ...Governments in collaboration with the higher education institutions explore how to support the revision of academic career schemes to include teaching and other ...
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