Adsorption on a polar oxide surface - SciSpace

The TD spectra are all dominated by a feature with a maximum temperature between 290 and 330 K. The saturation coverage of oxygen is 5. L and the TD spectra do ...

Horizon 2020 / Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
Deep understanding of the laser-matter interaction. ? 3d visualization of laser-matter interaction at the quantum scale. ? TD-DFT can be efficient to predict ...
Electronic Structure and Geometry of the Lowest 2LMCT State ... - HAL
? Fritz-Haber-Institut ... Then the lowest 2LMCT state is optimized by. TD-DFT, and discussed in terms of electronic structure and geometry.
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Supporting information - The Royal Society of Chemistry
Fritz Haber Research Center for Molecular Dynamics and Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew ... TD-CAM-B3LYP excitation energies. The figure below depicts the ...
Transient Enhancement of the Ferroelectricity in the Rashba ...
Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin ... Transition from ferroelectric phase to paraelectric state in less than 1 ps. J. Hu et al., ACS Nano 2015. ? TD-DFT MD simulation ...
Electron-ion entanglement and decoherence dynamics in trans ...
TD ramps for switch-on. TD pulses. Heiko Appel (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG). Electron-ion entanglement and decoherence dynamics. January 13, 2012. 29 / 55 ...
1 On the Combination of TDDFT with Molecular Dynamics
... Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-. Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6 , D-14195 ... Kühne, T. D., Krack, M., Mohamed, F. R., and Parrinello, M., 2007 ...
Thermal analysis - TDS - Catalysis Eprints database
?Features (peaks, shoulders) in TDS traces give a suggestive impression of the number of inequivalent adsorption sites which are occupied sequentially.
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Thermal analysis - TDS - MPG.PuRe
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin,. + ... The original TD traces at ?r=0.15 give the corresponding values of the desorption rate rd ...
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