Design of the Albedo/fAPAR/LAI Products

and Lean 2011), td is the day of the year, and ? is the solar ... roofs of high albedo maintain a lower daytime surface temperature on ...

Are cooler surfaces a cost-effect mitigation of urban heat islands?
relatively low albedo will be replaced by grassland of high albedo. This change will lets more solar di ti b fl t d dh li ff tf radiation be reflected and ...
AVHRR surface temperature and narrow-band albedo comparison ...
surface compositions have relatively low albedos, a high measured albedo would indicate the presence of an atmosphere, as illustrated in Figure 1. This method ...
Estimating Surface Reflectance and Albedo from Landsat ... - ASPRS
This spherical (or diffuse) albedo is defined for a plane-parallel cloud layer over a black surface with no atmosphere, and is obtained by integrating the ...
Precipitation effect on winter land surface albedo
Les variations temporelles de son pouvoir réfléchissant, albédo, i.e. fraction de rayonnement réfléchi par la surface dans le spectre solaire, ...
Identifying Atmospheres on Rocky Exoplanets through Inferred High ...
The findings state that the position of high albedo surfaces should be chosen carefully in a way to not re-radiate the sun into pedestrians. For further ...
Spectral Albedo and Cloud Optical Thickness Algorithm for POLDER-2
The albedo of sea ice is significantly influenced by snow cover. During the warm season, ponds of melt water of snow and ice result in large reduction of albedo ...
The impact of increasing urban surface albedo on outdoor summer ...
where td is the time in days for water to completely drain from the site, set at 1 day, based on previous. (22) where elev is the elevation above sea level ...
Albedo impact on the microclimate of courtyards, potential ...
High albedo is recommended for floor surfaces and medium-range albedo is recommended in walls, to balance the positive effect on temperatures and negative.
Global Surface Albedo Product Validation Best Practices Protocol
While the requirements are global, more accurate and frequent observations over ice and snow would be particularly useful for calculating ice and snow melt. And ...
Observations and modeling of areal surface albedo and surface ... - TC
In general, we observed a higher albedo for the same amount of sea ice under cloudy condi- tions than under cloudless conditions. This effect ...
Progress in HARMONIE surface assimilation
? too high albedo gives too low temperatures. ? In coastal regions. ? good performance over sea where. Land Sea Mask (LSM) = 0. ? large errors at stations with.
Observations and modeling of areal surface albedo ... - EGUsphere
Abstract. An accurate representation of the annual evolution of surface albedo, especially during the melting period, is crucial.