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Editorial .................................................. 1. President General's Message ............ 2. News of Chapters and State. Societies .

THE TANK - Cameron Missouri History
Meetings of the senior high school's three upper classes have been held to elect officers. Those elected were as follows: Seniors: Russell Johnston, presi dent.
Forest Parke Library and Archives
This bottle of bay-rum. Lawrence, will prove excellent, I am sure, in preserving your Rudolph pomp. Herc, Myrtle, is a pillow to rest your head on while ...
District, - Texas Tech University
session to discuss city property. All city councilmen were present, along with the mayor, city manager, city attorney and city secretary ...
Journal of Dairy Science 1943 Vol.26 No.12
NELSON ....................................... 1091. The Incidence of Oxidized Flavor in the Milk of Individual Cows within One Herd. W. J. CORBETT and P. H. ...
(By Staff Correspondent). FREEHOLD, July 7?A spark from a bursting electric light bulb ignited gasoline from a leaking car in the S. B. King & Son garage,.
F IA Marker - George W. Bush Library
President: MG Andrew Anderson,. USA-Ret. 1st Vice President: Fred Deverse. 2nd Vice President: David Nelson. Director: Harold Bruschwein. Director: Howard Okada.
(.GREEN STAMPS Russians Tensions Cnre
28 (^)?The Soviet Union sought today to counter Pres ident Kenney's peace appeal with an 8-point program bill ed as a cure for international tensions.
of Fort Worth visited her bro- ther, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Weaver, Sr. during the weekend. TSgt. and Mrs. Gerald En- loe, Deborah and Colleen of and ...
Nelson Rockefeller survived a 3-2 Demo- . cratic registration to win re-election as gov- ernor against Frank D. O'Connor and two other candidates. In ...
Journal -
... GERALD R. FORD asked and was given permission to address the. House for 1 minute.) Mr. GERALD R. FORD. Mr. Speaker,. I take this time for the ...
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, May 24, 1973 - GovInfo
have spanned the broadest of spectra ranging from international crises at the UN, in the Holy Land, and in Berlin to the first live American -Europe. Telstar ...
NBC News Picture Book 1968 - World Radio History
By Mr. RANDOLPH: H. R. 4837. A bill to safeguard the confi- dential nature of Board of Public Welfare of the District of Columbia case records in all.