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@ag-rheinbach.nrw.de, www.ag-rheinbach.nrw.de. Rheinberg, Rheinstr. 67, 47495 Rheinberg, Postanschrift: 47493. Rheinberg, t 02843-173-0, F 02843-173-78 ...

Eco-physiological response mechanism of Tamarix ... - CORE
Huai and the Yellow Rivers so that when the Yellow River floods, its flood waters contribute to the. Huai's flooding. AII these f actors ...
The Life and Works of Ai Qing <1910
This study focused on whether the application of dredging the. Yellow River sediment can improve the microstructure of saline-alkali soil, so as to improve its ...
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In March 1969, the decade-long war of words between Moscow and Bei- jing erupted in a series of violent border clashes along the Ussuri River. ... yellow sons-of- ...
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Abstract. The Mekong River (MR) crosses the borders and connects six countries, including China, Myanmar,.
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Out great leader Chairman Mao is here with us. Chafuman Mao has come to Honan,. Has come to give us directions;. Thc Yellow River, the turbulent Yellow Rivet,.
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High nutrient loads, especially from rivers, have an important impact on the ecosystem dynamics in coastal seas (Zweifel et al., 1995; Lenhart ...
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Meisner, Maurice]., 1931-. Mao's China andafter: a history ofthe People's Republic/ Maurice Meisner.-3rd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical referencesand index ...
Water conservancy project on the Yellow River modifies the ...
In this study, monthly streamflow of the Yellow River (YR) at the Huanghe'yan Hydrological Station is reconstructed for 1955-2019 dusing the ...
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Abstract?River ice monitoring plays a critical role in ice flood mitigation and control, hydrological research, and water resource regulation.
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... Yellow. River had burst its banks and the Grand Canal had ceased to function). Then the Mongols razed many cities, inflicted great damage on agriculture ...
Changes in flow regimes of the Yellow River in the Headwater Area ...
The Yellow. River delta is the largest river delta in northern China, and its size is still growing (Fan et al., 2012; Mao et al., 2016). The ...
Environmental changes in Yellow River Delta with terrace ... - PeerJ
... river basin (see Map 24544). 1.2. The Yellow River Basin, between latitude north 32° and 42° and longitude east. 960 and 1190, encompasses an ...