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The unique identifier that must be used for a message is called ?StreamID?, which identifies the generated configuration over the stream that is ...

Functional Description Manual - Your.Org
@ODOO@. @ODOl@. @OOFO@. @OOOF@. Routine or program that ... S_M_Q_EV (SMCP interrupt Message Queue Event) ... Remove form and mail to: Burroughs Corporation.
Engineering - EPI Sup
Industrial engineering Program. The Industrial engineering training is based on the principles of process optimization, efficient resource.
Evaluation expérimentale de l'efficacité de cinq candidats vaccins ...
quelques gouttes de sang de la queue de chaque souris infectée et à les mélanger avec un ... E-mail address:thomas.cl1Urcher@imperial.ac.uk (T.S. ...
D'une perspective anthropologique vers l'élaboration d'un dispositif ...
Le yoruba, langue utilisée par certains peuples en Afrique de l?Ouest et dans les rituels et les cérémonies, est une langue que toute la ...
Reference Handbook - Bitsavers.org
Delete flag. 1 - Delete all messages in the queue without return. O -. Return the oldest message and delete that message from the queue. Reserved. Byte9 Flags.
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis SIMPDA 2014
With the increasing automation of business processes, growing amounts of process data become available. This opens new research opportunities for business ...
The development of a fully automated procedure to produce ... - CORE
However, these laboratories can serve a vital sec- ondary role in the adaption of technology to other fields and areas of need to the extent that it does ...
Fli ht Comment - Publications du gouvernement du Canada
... odoo ~'e~t roduil a Cumu~ p . ~. ,, , .,. ,,. ;., ,, ~, ,, s t y ~4 t trtt. Ic ... reacteur jusqu'a la queue de I'appareil. L'equipe de techniciens en ...
PortaBilling: Administrator Guide MR85 - WorldCall
... Delete ? Remove instances of the resource from the system. The Allow/Deny field defines whether this permission has been granted or withheld. You should ...
System Software Operation Guide Volume 1 - Your.Org
... QUEUE ... TD (Time and Date) ... Delete I/O channels artificially. Enable debug halts in the System Initializer. For use by Burroughs soft- ware ...
Atari ST Internals - Synacktiv
P.O. Box 7219. Grand Rapids, MI 49510. This book is copyrighted. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any ...
Treaty Series Recueil des Traites
No. 2557. Basic Agreement concerning technical assistance between the United. Nations, the International Labour Organisation, the Food and.