Chapter 5 - Canadian Tuberculosis Standards
43 EECP therapy has been evaluated in patients with periph- eral vascular disease and found to be effective in reducing angina; however, patients with ...
Managing Side-Effects of TB MedicationsThe ideal therapy for most of these conditions is nonpharmacologic: achievement of ideal body weight, a diet low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and salt, and a ... Nursing Guide for Managing Side Effects to Drug-resistant TB ...Exercise is critical for cardiovascular health and highly effective for improving claudication symptoms. Cilostazol may be considered for symptomatic treatment ... Antihypertensive treatment in patients with peripheral vascular diseaseExercise therapy in this setting presents different modalities, and a structured programme provides optimal results. Exercise Therapy for Chronic Symptomatic Peripheral Artery DiseaseMost published recommendations suggest that drug withdrawal or marked dose reduction, when possible, is indicated; the likelihood of psychotic relapse, however, ... ?Adding fuel to the fire?? Does exposure to non-consenting adult or ...Research suggests that more than half of those arrested for possession of child pornography also have attempted or perpetrated sexual abuse. (National Coalition ... Defending Autistic People: Sex Offenses - Autism SocietyThis section gives a brief description of the situation regarding age verification and recommender systems and details some of the harms the ... Article choice in children with High Functioning Autism (HFA) and in ...Child sex trafficking is a pervasive and underreported crime, and one of the most complex forms of child exploitation. Significantly, trafficked children ( ... OU!lUO uoJpl!qD 8u!~ao~OJd - Office of Justice ProgramsAbstract. This paper focuses on notions of ?addiction? among users of online child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) through a comparative analysis of two ... Legaladvicedrives FAImovetoreferkey reporttoauthoritiesThe survivors of child sexual abuse showing immense fortitude disclosed the mistreatment that they experienced as children in the Roman Catholic ... Sexually Transgressing Children: Practical Approaches and their ...Agents found a single thumbnail image which depited child pornography that was linked to a video of child pornography. The file path of this'ima ... Supreme Court of the United StatesThe Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse has been established to help bring about significant and system-wide change in how child sexual. Characteristics and motivations of perpetrators of child sexual ...This paper reviews the current literature about child sexual abuse with a focus on key messages for child protection workers and their practice. Page 2 ...
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