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The modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) score15 was used to evaluate the preoperative clinical neuro- logical functioning and the ...
References - Myelopathy.orgNeurological function was evaluated using the Japanese. Orthopedic Association (JOA) score before surgery and at each follow-up (Table 2). The recovery rate ... Efficacy and Safety of Surgical Decompression in Patients with ...The Modified Japanese Orthopedic. Association (MJOA) index (15) was used to determine the severity of myelopathy (sensory motor status of the upper and lower ... Spine Publish Ahead of Print DOI:10.1097/BRS.0000000000004667Failure to improve on the last follow-up evaluation after surgery, defined as a change in modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association (mJOA) score ... Evaluation of Treatment Results of Posterior Approach Surgery in ...The Modified Japanese Orthopedic Association. (mJOA) score serves as a crucial tool in evaluating cervical myelopathy, a condition characterized by compression ... Clinical Improvement in Cervical Myelopathy Patients Following ...The modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale: establishing criteria for mild, moderate and severe impairment in patients with degenerative cervical ... CLINICAL OUTCOMES OF EN-BLOC CERVICAL LAMINOPLASTY ...The modified Japanese Orthopedic Association (mJOA) score(14) and Nurick scale(15) were used for functional and neurological evaluation. In the mJOA score, ... Mario Gas Variaciones Enigma de Elgar John Scofield Temporadas ... SZIFRON y EL FONDO DEL MAR SIMULACION y CAMBIO LA métodos de investigación en psicología social. 18. Observación sistemática: describir el mundo que nos rodea. Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Biblioteca USACrepresentadas por figuras como Hello Kity, Barbie, Blanca Nieves, Violetta... De manera que el público infantil pueda situarse afín a unos u ... p ® v VJ Vi ¿A I,l'/i iiii¿En la desproporcionada anatomía plástica de la Barbie hay una notable omisión de diseño: sus senos carecen de pezones. Algo similar sucede con Madonna y el ... EDU IO - Gredos PrincipalEl cómic o historieta adquiere al parecer, diferentes nombres según el país en que se distribuya, por ejemplo en el artículo Los. Monitos posteado por ... Glosario de Innovación EducativaDirector Editorial: Josiél Gome/-Cen¡urio: Director: Domingo G. Asesor Editorial:'. i: <? Nielo Di' seño: J Carlos Ayuso Redactor Jefe: Amaho Gómez ...
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