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Emotions and Feelings ? Relationship and Touch ? Sexual Abuse
Children need emotional skills to effectively deal with change, sadness and stressful circumstances. They also need to have the freedom to express the emotions.
Emotional Overload: Understanding Non-Tic Related Behaviors in ...
The emotions-related results show a trend, but the difference of emotions between male and female characters and between the French and. American cultures ...
Emotion Detection on TV Show Transcripts with Sequence-Based ...
Shows such as Big Brother basically consist of talk in a closed laboratory setting in which there is not much else to do, and in which the management of one's ...
Mitigating Linguistic Artifacts in Emotion Recognition for ...
It is often heard that lately, among the young generation, there is a growing tendency to be generally individualistic, immoral, materialistic, ...
Facing Your Feelings - 1 Understanding Distress Intolerance
which represent dissimulations or masking of their internal emotional experience which young infants are unable to do. Display rules appear to be at the center ...
Transnational TV Series Adaptations: What Artificial Intelligence Can ...
It is very important to be able to talk about our feelings - to be able to tell people about the good feelings we have, to thank others for helping us feel good ...
Use of an American TV Drama Glee for Moral and Emotional Lessons*
8 In this article, I'll not refer to a specific theory of emotions, but rather show in which way this short story itself contains a theory ...
When 'Not' to Show What You Felt Children's - ERIC
If a child is angry, upset or disappointed when parents lecture, justify, explain, admonish, nag, shout, threaten, criticise, repeat, remind?? It doesn't work!!
emotional health - PDST
They look like the facial expression of the emotion, but are different enough for the viewer to know that you are not really feeling what you are showing.
The Actors' Guide to Understanding How Your Face Communicates ...
It does not satisfy potential players who are oriented to movies [2] and demographic groups who are interested in attractive and challenging stories [3] [4].
Emotion and Decision-Making Explained
Children's television can promote prosocial ways of dealing with aggression and anger by telling positive examples of how boys and girls are able to prevent ...
Emotion-Driven interactive digital storytelling - SciSpace
Abstract. This article engages with current discussions about public emotions by examining journalists' perceptions of the value of emotional expression in ...