MicroStrategy Functions Reference

Functions in MicroStrategy are powerful tools used in expressions to define. MicroStrategy objects and initiate complex user-selected calculations.

Designing with Financial Reporting Web Studio - Oracle Help Center
Because there are 12 months in a year, the Avg function adds all monthly totals and divides the total by 12. The formula is: Average(Cell [A,1]). In general ...
Changes since the last published version: - Pages 59-60 - Table 11 ? Updated text and updated weights referred to Article 50.
Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) : It is usually a fixed amount deducted every month on account of TDS. In the last quarter of a year, the investment details, ...
NetSuite Formulas
This formula is very useful for removing characters from a field this formula is using on a contact and is cleaning up the Phone Number from (608) 785-1900 to ...
LIFE of Plant & M/c (1-40 years) 5. MONTHs in the first (year 1-12) j12. You are required to prepare a generalized depreciation schedule in the given format.
Working with Financial Time Series Data in R
As with Date objects, you can also use the weekdays(), months(), quarters() and Julian() functions on POSIXct objects. As explained in the next ...
Formula Reference - FarPoint SpreadTM for .NET
Spread for .NET Formula Reference. 87. DATEDIF. Summary. This function returns the number of days, months, or years between two dates. Syntax. DATEDIF(date1 ...
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