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509~514, (1959). 19) MARUYAMA, M.: Difference in the slip between wheel tractor and crawler tractor used for rotavator operation on forest-land (in Japanese) ...
Experimental Investigation on the Performances of Tractor-Powered ...
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ALL OF US, PLAYERS | Game Journal
If you ate nothing but fast food, eventually your character would get fat ... today in many Flash - based arcade/puzzle games like Peggle and those.
The Startup Owner's Manual
The world's famous fast-food company released more similar platformer games in the following years. M.C. Kids34 in. 1992, imitating Super Mario Bros. 335 ...
established visualisation tools such as Flash for simpler 2D games or a 3D modelling interface for more complex 3D titles, would go much further to attempt ...
December 2018 - Acta Ludologica
Zynga Poker ?Free Texas Holdem Online Card Games. Other. Developer: Zynga. Package Name: com.zynga.livepoker. Version (Code): 21.92 (10121920).
The Common Forms of Contemporary Videogames
These were not shooting games or big adven- ture games, but smaller games?matching tile games, games about run- ning restaurants, games about finding hidden ...