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eminence in his own day. On this point the ... T D 249. Sun Tz? said: The good fighters of old ... ?. ?. 35. ??????????????????? ...
Dogens Shobdgenzo - Terebess.hu
... ? ? ? ? ? ??. ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ??. ? ? (Zuimonki 5: DZZ.7:120). As a result of [encountering] impermanence, | initially brought forth.
Collective response to the media coverage of COVID-19 Pandemic ...
The subreddit's rules require posted research to be peer reviewed, although community members link to a mixture of existing journalism (from ...
The Pursuit of Peer Support for Opioid Use Recovery on Reddit
This dissertation explores the potential of Reddit, a popular social media platform, as a tool for crowdsourcing for business innovation.
How Age in Software Development is perceived on Reddit
Reddit, focusing on /r/The_Donald (TD), a popular community (subreddit) for supporters of Donald Trump. Dark play subverts the play frame ...
A Comparative Analysis Between the Influence of Social Media and ...
Ranked as one of the most popular online forums for supporting President Trump [4], TD also heavily influenced the news content on other social media sites like ...
A Study of the Emotional Landscape of Climate Change on Reddit
Finally, we classified a Reddit comment as a fake news comment if it contained a URL to a domain that appeared in the list of fake news domains, which was ...
A Dataset Analysis - NIPS papers
Thus, it generates a lot of communication, from several sources, all of each contributing to the communication about the brand and impacting the brand image.
Quarantined! Examining the Effects of a Community-Wide ...
2.3 Reddit and WallStreetBets. Thanks to its open API and datasets, Reddit has become a popular data source among researchers [Bau+20] and has been used for ...
Characterizing Fake News Targeting Corporations - Social Dynamics
Our observational study is based on Reddit data comprising more than 15M posts and spanning circa 2 years, collected from both r/The_Donald and other subreddits.
The influence of social media on the stock market
To better facilitate systematic studies in this area, we present a large political news data set, contain- ing over 136K news articles, from 92 ...
Predicting sentiment of comments to news on Reddit
The absence of reliable fundamental research creates a vacuum, which elevates sources like Reddit to undue levels of influence and leads ...