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WAVE S - World Radio History

Abstracts are listed in alphabetical order by first authors' last name
Comparision of tidal volume delivered from two circuts with the. VDR-4 critical care ventilator-A bench model. Respir Care. 2016;61(10) ...
RIMLOCK - World Radio History
Ais nieuwigheclen werden de nieuwe buizen met 9 elementen, de ncmoden, de versnellings- meters, de phasitrons, de projectiebuizen, de planar-trioden, de ...
Modulation Envelop. - Navy Radio
In the DSB system and in the SSB system no corrier is trmsmitted and an artlf~cial carrier, qeneroted in the receiver must be combined bwit'n the sidebond ...
Mechanical Ventilation Strategies in the Critically Ill Burn Patient
The open-circuit design with the sliding Phasitron allows patients to maintain spon- taneous respiration throughout the respiratory cycle, thus ...