Liquid methane at extreme temperature and pressure - JETP Letters

TESS TPF of TOI-815 created with tpfplotter (Aller et al. 2020). The orange pixels define the aperture mask used for extract- ing the photometry. Additionally, ...

Formation of Super-Earths
We could also investigate planet compositions in or near the habitable zone of Sun-like stars. Another interesting feature to study would be the planet radius.
UC Santa Cruz - eScholarship
Standard structure models of the planets consist of three layers: a rocky core, an 'icy' shell (water, ammonia, methane, etc.), and a gaseous envelope composed ...
NSB (Neptune Sandbox Berlin) - Palaeontologia Electronica
Mars has 2, Jupiter has at least 61, Saturn at least 31,. Uranus at least 25, Neptune at least 8 and Pluto has at least 1. Astronomers often find new moons ...
A 50-day period sub-Neptune with a mass measurement using ...
NEPTUNE is a multimegawatt electric propulsion system. It uses a proven compact nuclear thermal rocket, NERVA, in a closed cycle with a magnetohydrodynamic.
An 11 Earth-mass, Long-period Sub-Neptune Orbiting a Sun-like Star
Considering the age of the systems ( Gyr), it is improbable that these Neptunes have retained their hydrogen envelopes until the present day. In ...
The scientific potential of orbital missions to Uranus and Neptune
system Neptune, whose composition is roughly 5%-15% H and He, 60%-70% ices, and. 25% rocks by mass (Podolak et al., 1991; Hubbard et al., 1995). GJ 1214b ...
Amazing Facts of Planet Earth and the Universe - Drum Publication
Neptune's observations have not brought any detection of Neptune's oscillations, but have allowed for detecting the Sun's oscillations reflected on. Neptune [42] ...
Application of a NEPTUNE Propulsion Concept to a Manned Mars ...
This also further enhances the need to improve our understanding of the atmospheric composition of Neptune and Uranus.
Formation, Structure and Habitability of Super-Earth ... - DSpace@MIT
Here, the 400 ppb accounts for about half of the measured opacity due to the fact that this analysis uses the more accurate. NH3 absorption formalism. (Spilker.
Seismology of Giant Planets: General Overview and Results from ...
Given this fact?the chemical composition of Uranus and Neptune is therefore believed to represent the environment of the proto-Sun and the ...
Observational Constraints on the Formation and Evolution of ... - HAL
Nevertheless, the fact that Neptune's atmosphere. 145 is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium implies Neptune had to reach sufficient size. 146 for ...
Estimates of the Tropospheric Vertical Structure of Neptune on ...
For Uranus and Neptune, 98 per cent of the hydrogen and helium gas is lost. The overall metallicity for all planets is higher than the initial ...