Articles parus dans des revues à comité de lecture - 2019

Resolving singularities of reducible curves with one toric morphism (with Ana. Bélen de Felipe and Pedro González Pérez), Preprint. ? Jet schemes and generating ...

Approches géométriques de la résolution des singularités et des ...
AMPHOUX, Pascal e DUCRET, André - La mémoire des lieux, vol. 79, Jul.-Dez. de 1985 pp. 197-202. DUPREZ, Dominique e AUTES, Michel - Intervention du ...
vers une hybridation des approches pattern et process - HAL Thèses
Ecole doctorale : TESC - Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures. Spécialité : Géographie. Unité de recherche :.
PROGRAMME N°38 avril 2012.indd - Forum des images
Un programme organisé par les étudiants du TD programmation de l'université Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense, en collaboration avec le Forum des images ...
Version non finale - Paris-Malaquais - Architecture
La formation des architectes passe non seulement par des enseignements disciplinaires articulés selon des modes traditionnels (cours magistraux, studios de ...
Salt Cross Garden Village - West Oxfordshire District Council
Regarding car parks managed by the Government, in the 24 hours public car parks under the Transport Department (?TD?), on average, 7.45% of the parking spaces.
Classic Car insurance - irish veteran & vintage car club
For all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles displaying a registration number, the code ZZ should be entered in the LIT Field. In instances where a license plate ...
Government's Planning and Arrangements for Ancillary Facilities for ...
Recommendation to approve contract to hire T.D. Thomson Construction to build parking and trash collection area at 19 North Lakeview Avenue in ...
Policy No. 109
Officers responded to Old Country Road to investigate a two-vehicle crash where one of the vehicles reportedly left the scene. ?. GCFD and GCPD ...
Morristown Receives $20,000 Grant from TD Green Streets to ...
District map of resident and visitor parking. North Station resident pass. Resident ID to get in and out of garage during events at TD Garden. Enforce no ...
Garden Fest Student Volunteer Opportunity
cAoB 0638, Dated: 28.07.2o21 issued by the testing agency ICAT
? Use the Vehicle Model (VMO) for farm or garden equipment, VMO/FE. ? Use the Vehicle Style (VST) appropriate for the type of farm or garden equipment being ...
An Insurance Program Exclusively for Fans of the Boston Bruins ...
THE PROGRAM. We've teamed up with the Boston Bruins® and TD Garden to offer fans and concert goers an exclusive auto insurance.