Hero-Cult in Archaic and Classical Sparta: a Study of Local Religion

the role of memory in Roman Greece suggests that the time is ripe for a critical appraisal. The purpose of this article is to rethink the role and scope of ...

In the course of over two centuries dozens of attempts were made in Greece to change the social-economic position by way of revolution. Social problem is, for ...
The constitutional antiquities of Sparta and Athens - Internet Archive
My introduction to the history of economic thought was in high school but I really began to study it seriously when I returned to the University of.
PLUTARCH'S Life of Agesilaos., response to sources in
in the decree fully agrees with the part played by the gerousia in the Greek polis at that time. Although its character is not yet well defined, as there is a ...
The gerousia crops up from time to time in the epigraphic record for. Bithynia, but most often as the dedicant of an honorific inscription or ...
THE HISTRIAN DECREE FOR ABA (2nd century of our era)
Ancient and Modern Democracy is a comprehensive account of. Athenian democracy as a subject of criticism, admiration and scholarly debate for 2,500 years, ...
Urban Life and Local Politics in Roman Bithynia
This research studies the formation of the war ethos and practice in ancient Greece, from. 800 to 404 BCE. It argues that war was a culture and by this it ...
Promoting the Classics
The gerousia at Sparta evidently had a very useful function as intermediary in the relations between kings and people (Lyc. 5, 11). One might wonder if.
Ancient and Modern Democracy
held at the Spartan council of the elders (???????? - Gerousia), the initial and ... position among the Greek city-states, albeit this time it was more a.
The War Ethos and Practice in Ancient Greece - CORE
This thesis examines the use of the past as a medium for the articulation of claims of present political power during the early Hellenistic period.
Plutarch's Political Thought
The history of Classical education is often told as a story of steady diachronic progression, from the performance culture of the Homeric.
Perceiving the Past in the Early Hellenistic Period
In interstate interactions, certain Spartan individuals were paramount: they were deployed by the Spartan governing bodies (gerousia, ephors) or could act by ...
Spartan Foreign Policy in the Third Century BC - AWS
The Gerousia is instructed, originally, to bring forward the agenda and (after that is finished) to declare the meeting ended: in the added clause, the Gerousia ...