2022 Annual Report

TDS provides wireless services through its 84%-owned subsidiary, United. States Cellular Corporation (UScellular). TDS also provides broadband, ...

2023 Annual Report www.tdsinc.com
In 2023, TDS Telecom achieved a record year by completing 217,000 new marketable fiber service addresses, expanding our footprint by 12%, a testament to the ...
Principles of Marketing - Learn DU
Editor-in-Chief: Stephanie Wall. Managing Editor, Global Edition: Yajnaseni Das. Associate Project Editor, Global Edition: Paromita Banerjee.
endf-102 data formats and procedures for the evaluated nuclear ...
Here the most common case is described, in which data are typed manually into spreadsheets. A preliminary, manual QC should be performed on the spreadsheets ...
External Volume VII ? Part I JPSS Downlink Data Formats
It utilises the IODEF data format for sharing and storing threat-related information. The most common types of threat intelligence stored in CIF ...
Best Practice Guidelines for Climate Data and Metadata Formatting ...
Arthur (1989): ?A Common Exchange Format for GPS Data.? CSTG. GPS Bulletin Vol.2 No.3, May/June 1989, National Geodetic Survey, Rockville ...
Cybersecurity threat intelligence common data model | SPARTA
In Part 3, the standards were set out for ?Machine Readable Official. Travel Documents,? which have a td1 (85.6 x 53.98 mm) or td2 format (105.0 x 74.0 mm). 1.2.
Development of Best Practices for Large-scale Data Management ...
The present documentation describes the TOLNet. Profile Data Format and reviews the basic steps necessary to write and read the data, ...
Z Common Data Provider: User Guide - IBM
Each Observation file and each Meteorological Data file basically contain the data from one site and one session. Although the format allows for ...
RINEX 3.05 - Index of /pub
The advisory's title is also included into the identification data, because it is the most useful field for readers to recognize an advisory ...
EISPP Common Advisory Format Description - Cert-IST
This section describes the Data Elements that may be present in DG8. Data Elements and their format within each Data. Group area SHALL be as ...
Set variables' output format - Title Syntax
XML: Meta language for defining markup languages; provides standard syntax. ? DTD: Language for defining the structure of XML documents; XML applications.
Data Exchange Formats Part 1 - Uni Mannheim
Other ?numeric? formats known collectively as the %t formats are used to display dates and times; see [D] Datetime display formats. String formats are denoted ...