The Global Talent Competitiveness Index - INSEAD

that full days of remote working affect mode of transport choice and can indeed cause a reduction in travel demand rather than merely congestion relief ...

Industrial Development for the 21st Century: - the United Nations
This book represents not the collective views of. FEPS or RI, but only the opinions of the respective authors. The responsibility of FEPS and RI is limited to.
One of the major benefits of the ICT revolution is higher economic growth rates achieved through a complex interaction with stronger market competition, more ...
Documents de l'OCDE - OECD
The impact of family policies and economic incentives on the probability of returning to the labor market is estimated using a duration model approach. Our ...
World Bank Document
But labor market flexibility is key to securing long-term employment dividends from ICT development. Job creation may be less responsive to ICT development ...
Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy
In. Tunisia productivity growth within services (especially finance and tourism) seems to have contributed most to overall productivity change.
World Trade Report 2019: The future of services trade
The 2019 World Trade Report examines how trade in services is likely to evolve in response to some major trends, such as demographic changes and ...
eventually affect capital mobility, and hence, drive product and labor market reforms, leading in turn to lower costs of capital. In this respect, some ...
Infrastructure to 2030 | OECD
The purpose of the project is to take stock of the long-term opportunities and challenges facing infrastructures worldwide, and to propose a set of policy.
IABSE Task Group 3.1 Benchmark Results. Numerical Full Bridge ...
Ce CM, adossé à un TD d'études de documents, propose un panorama sur l'Espagne contemporaine qui proposera de courts chapitres qui auront pour ...
trajectoires de recherche dans le Grand Chaco et dans le désert d
Thèse en cours. Titre : «Lire la Zona de Juan José Saer. Proposition méthodologique pour l'analyse de la construction d'une ?uvre littéraire à partir de son ...
Végétation actuelle et fossile de haute altitude (exemple d'une ...
TITRES ET DIPLOMES. ? 2017 ? Qualification aux fonctions de Professeure des Universités en 7ème et 70ème section. ? 2016 ? Diplôme d'HDR en Sciences du ...
BERNABEI Veronica Noelia
? TD assemblé et testé à l'APC. ? Départ de l'APC le 19 mai 2021. ? Arrivée prévue en Argentine fin juin 2021. ? 2022 : Installation sur site en altitude.