Rapport du Gouvernement au Parlement sur la rémunération pour ...

La rémunération pour copie privée (RCP) compense pour les auteurs, artistes- interprètes et producteurs le préjudice découlant des copies privées de leurs ...

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Marti Frank, Efficiency for Everyone - VEIC
FEATURES: ? Accu Chill® System. ? Water Dispenser. ? LED Lighting. ? 1 Drawer for Fruits and Vegetables with Humidity. Control in the refrigerator.
Assessment of Refrigerator Energy Use - Weatherization Assistant
The study develops comparable emissions scenarios to assess the effects of specific energy efficiency standards on refrigerators/freezers and office equipment ...
Residential Refrigeration Products NOPR Technical Support ...
? Use at least 1 layer of waffle pad, not less than 8mm thick, under equipment in all areas. ? Ensure that the waffle pad is not bypassed by a rigid connection.
Table of Revisions/Changes - Department of Public Service
The CRUISE 90 is a new two door fridge-freezer solution that gives the boater a separate, small freezer on top and refrigerator on the bottom. The refrigerator ...
Marine Refrigeration & Water Heaters Catalog
DOE estimates that less than 1 percent of refrigerator, refrigerator-freezer, and freezer current annual shipments meet the max-tech levels.
Energy Efficiency Program for Consumer Products: Refrigerators ...
In this notice of proposed rulemaking. (''NOPR''), DOE proposes amended energy conservation standards for refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, ...
Measured Electricity Savings of Refrigerator Replacement
? Tops include easy glide, stainless steel lids, and counter top with ... ? On/Off switch with ready and low water light. ? 208V/3PH ? Field convertible to 1 ...
[6450-01-P] DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 CFR Part 430 [EERE ...
FEATURES: ? Accu Chill® System. ? Water Dispenser. ? LED Lighting. ? 1 Drawer for Fruits and Vegetables with Humidity. Control in the refrigerator.
Superior® kitchen equipment: quality at an affordable price - US Foods
REFRIGERATOR AND FREEZER. Measure Description. This measure covers the replacement of inefficient residential grade refrigerators and ...
Brydens Large Appliance Catalogue March 2022 - BrydensTT
For consumer refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers, the current energy conservation standards specified in 10 CFR 430.32(a) are based on 42 product ...
Indel Webasto Marine Catalogue IM 04 - Bcool Engineering
The Cruise 86 is a refrigeration solution of 86 liters gross volume, equipped with a 10 liters freezer compartment. It stands out for the reliable bD Micro ...