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???????????? (CD=0) ???????????????. ????, ???????????????????. 05.10 ???15???????????????. ?????? ... Khwad?yn?mag The Middle Persian Book of Kings - ResearchGate... Persian, Hebrew) and ancient Rome (Latin, Greek), stand in contrast to hostil- ity to all or most forms of plurilingualism, such as the ancient Greek ... Hindi-to-Urdu Machine Translation through Transliteration2 Abbreviations in interlinear glosses follow those suggested in the Leipzig Glossing Rules (http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/resources/glossing- · rules.php) ... Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects of Kanashi - OAPEN LibraryKhuzestan is a province in the southwest of Iran. Its name goes back to an ancient folk named Khuz/??z/H?z that inhabited this area ... How Can We Make Language Models Better at Handling the ...2.15Persian Morphologically Segmented Lexicon . ... The leipzig glossing rules: Conventions for interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glosses. Towards Universal Segmentations - Luká? KyjánekThe following abbreviations are not found in the Leipzig Glossing Rules: bg ... Persian, as certain plural allomorphs are found almost exclusively with ... Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity - OAPEN LibraryWhere possible, the Leipzig Glossing Rules (https://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/resources/glossing- · rules.php) are followed. ' caesura, pada ... wr ? -/-wen-Heteroclites in Sanskrit and Beyond A d - eScholarshipAs in other Iranian languages, there is ample scope for a phonological treatment of the relationship between the non-past and past tense verb stems (cf ... the enclitic =da and the marking of indicative and subjunctive mood ...followed The Leipzig glossing rules (2015) with some minor modifications. ... The Persian translation with interlinear glossing and English translation are ... STUDII DE GRAMATIC? CONTRASTIV? Nr. 39/ 2023Structure Removal: A Synopsis. Andrew Murphy. 1. Structure Removal Counterfeeds Status Government. Johanna Benz. 35. The Short Life Cycle of External ... Linguistische Arbeits Berichte Structure Removal - Universität Leipzig... glosses are given (following the standards of the. Leipzig Glossing Rules), followed by a free translation below. For discontinuous phrases with a single ... A Grammatical Description of the Katë Language (Nuristani)Abstract: The high-altitude Hindu Kush?Karakoram region is home to more than. 50 language communities, belonging to six phylogenies.
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