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souris, une disquette et c'est parti. Amiga a forcément des points communs avec vous. La musique, les jeux, le dessin, la vidéo, le plaisir d'apprendre .
Diagnostic accuracy of ultra-low-dose chest CT in an emergency ...The risk of missing a diagnosis of pulmonary TB may be high if patients present with an X-ray unusual for TB, but this is fortunately seen only in 8% of ... Identification of Patients with Acute Lung Injury from Free-Text Chest ...We evaluated the performance and added value of a commercial deep learning (DL) algorithm in detecting pneumonia on chest radiographs (CRs) of ... Efficacy of Artificial Intelligence in the Categorisation of Paediatric ...CAD systems for childhood TB. We identified two published studies on the accuracy of CAD for children with signs and symptoms of TB (Table 1). Pulmonary infectionsFor the patient with CAP initially managed out of the hospi- tal, diagnostic testing should include a chest radiograph and may include a sputum ... Clinical Validation of a Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of ...Three deep learning models have been developed and achieved high accuracy in the automated detection of several pulmonary diseases, including ... Aided Detection System for the Interpretation of Chest Radiographs ...... radiographs with access to two views (frontal and lateral) versus one view (frontal for children with suspected pneumonia.? ?A secondary outcome included ... Archimer - IfremerCharman, D.J., Hawkes, A.D., Hill, T.D., & van de Plassche, O. (2018) ... Brunt, K., Csatho, B., Harbeck, K., Markus, T., Neumann, T ... temps forts - Les BoréalesJan Harbeck, saxophoniste ténor le plus apprécié au Danemark, accom- pagné de ses deux musiciens, propose un jazz acoustique, chaleureux et expressif. Avec ... Anthropométrie et dimensionnement des postes de travail : projet ...T'nree différent percentile limit cntena are plotted as a function of selected body dimensions. The more restrictive the range of percentiles and the more ... A year of strategic expansion, new directions and future ... - VHIOBased on our strategic planning for the future, in 2023 we warmly welcomed four new group leaders who joined our Preclinical. An evaluation of the E3SMv1-Arctic Ocean/Sea Ice Regionally ...and Harbeck, J.: CryoSat-2 Level-4 Sea Ice Elevation, Freeboard, and ... S. F., Ringler, T. D., Streletz, G. J., Turner, A. K., Van ... Bilan critique des stratégies de communication et d'évaluation des ...... Harbeck & Glendon (2013), la promesse de récompenses et la menace de punitions ne fonctionnent pas de manière identique pour tous les individus mais ...
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