Ian Kerr Archives ? Physical Records Finding aid - Note

The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we solve that problem it will avail us little to solve all the others.

Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
(F. L. Davis), 594?(Claude A. P.Truman),. 889-(A)fred S. Gubb), 889. Anger (Theodore B. Hyslop), 934. Anglo-French Hospital. See Hospital.
ii DEDICATION This Smoking and Tobacco Control Monograph is ...
Barmhardt of New York pa-sed. Sunday in town,. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kunhardt sailtd for Europe last Wednesday. The Musical club meets with Mr. Stevens next ...
Supreme Court Decision Makes Lawyer a Celebrity - Wrightslaw
Three persons among the 15 aboard the device were. Injured and required hospital treatment. 5 Meet Death. In Fiery Crash. Office. Abolished. There will be one ...
286 congressional -record-senate - Congress.gov
Dan HISEY, aged 79, for many years a resident of this city, died Monday morning at the home of his grandson Dennis Jones of Palmyra, Wis. Death was caused ...
THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN - Memorial Hall Library
KANIA- John, 60, (December 1, 1947 - July 6, 2008) of Wallington died Sunday. Born in Passaic, NJ, Mr. Kania resided in Wallington for most of ...
UNDP/INT/81/026 - Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project
Members of the Panel on Euthanasia. Steven Leary, DVM, DACLAM (Chair); Fidelis Pharmaceuticals, High Ridge, Missouri. Wendy Underwood, DVM (Vice Chair); ...
Obituaries 1933
Noah Fellows died here Tuesday evening,. March 26th, of consumption. The funeral was largely attended. Masonic funeral ceremonies were preformed at the burial.
Obituaries: Surnames K-S Submitted by Smerek Group Researchers
Special Dispatch to Tub New York Hkrat.d. Fabian. N. H.. Aug. 16..Mrs. John ... New York. Mr. Stout died eighteen years ago. Mrs. Stout leaves three ...
AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2020 Edition*
Kate Desmond, of 402 East Seventy-eighth street, New York, died last night from burns received from her dress catching fire while stepping off the platform ...
a History of the Owen Road Neighborhood - York Township
York Martha Mae, 73 w/pic. Burnet. Burnet Bulletin. 2004 07 07. York, Fred M., 61. Burnet County. Burnet Bulletin. 1986 11 13. Young, Arville A.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1976 - GovInfo
TO THE KING. IN Sir Joseph Fayrer, whosedeath at Falmouth on. May 21st we record with the deepest regret, there passed.
Self-Tuning Control Strategy for Antilock Braking Systems - Unimore
Using the first equation of motion, we can obtain the time of roll as: v ... Motion of a body rolling without slipping on an inclined plane acceleration.