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Kanaka - UQ eSpace - The University of Queensland
It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please.
New Mexico State Record, 12-31-1920 - CORE
time I thank God for putting such a wonderful person, a great sister in my path. We have faced many ?adventures? in the depths of the villages of Idjwi or ...
Empowering women and sensitizing men - edoc - Universität Basel
The prolonged plight of the Slepak family was publicly singled out by Carter as an ex- ample of human rights violations in the So- viet Union.
conviction of vladimir slepak and ida nudel - GovInfo
This volume contains research presented at the fifth annual meeting of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL), held online, February 7-9, 2022.
Preface: SCiL 2022 Editors' Note - ACL Anthology
language, and so it is-in remembrance of God's greatest ... A banana. harvest the next day, a. friendly ... toenails and the skin of his feet. But poor ...
WORKER· - Thomas Merton Center Digital Collections
by. Robert Steed. Each 1:ew book by Thomas Mer- ton whether it comes up to the standards he has set in his best efforts or not is always an event.