Spirituality and Nonlocal Mind: A Necessary Dyad | Open Sciences

A similar argument holds for personalized versions of such models, sometimes called ?quantum- consciousness? models of reality, in which ?observer-effects? are ...

Panentheism, Panpsychism and Neuroscience - DiVA portal
... quantum mechanics, and consciousness research, Carter reveals how consciousness does not depend on the brain and may, in fact, survive the death of our bodies.
Charles Tandy, Ph.D. - SSRN
This renewed interest in consciousness seems to have arisen mainly from the confluence of recent developments in neurophysiology, artificial intelligence and ...
Life After Death Book Deepak Chopra
This bulk of evidence suggests that consciousness is primary, requiring a revision of the mind- brain-body relationship and of its metaphysical interpretation.
Understanding Spiritual Awareness in Terms of Anomalous ...
This powerful, inspiring and important volume is one of the most comprehensive treatments to date of the afterlife, the nature of the divine, and communication.
Untitled - Center for Consciousness Studies
Quantum mechanics and human consciousness. ... A quantum biomechanical basis for near-death life ... The now, relativity theory and quantum mechanics.
Consciousness and its Transformation Sri Aurobindo's contribution
The afterlife is not the domain of the positive sciences, and the fact that its existence cannot be proved does not demonstrate its non-existence. Materialist- ...
on the science of consciousness - New Dualism Archive
In this article the concept of the continuity of consciousness will be described, based mainly on recent scientific research on near-death experiences (NDE) ...
A New Science Of Heaven - TD Snyder (2024) fall.wickedlocal.com
The quantum implications in consciousness research also show once again the crucial role of epistemological issues in the science of ...
In dieser Dissertation werden offene Fragen über ?Bewußtsein? aus neurowissenschaftlicher, psychologischer und auch philosophischer Sicht ...
Temporally Scattered Brain: Neural Mechanism Apprehending the ...
ABSTRACT. This is an approach to prove the evidence of Afterlife, which is well known as pseudoscience. Generally parapsychology is rejected by the modern ...
Academic Research International Vol. 7(4) September 2016
Those who do not believe, roughly 40% of the population, either have not had such experiences or they are not concerned about the question of an afterlife.
Advancing the Evidence for Survival of Consciousness
Abstract: In this article a concept of non-local consciousness will be described, based on recent scientific research on near-death experi- ences (NDEs).