D:\ASH 2020\SH Annual Reports\a - Sacred Heart College, Thevara |

I am much grateful to Dr K S Viswanathan who picked me up and brought me back as a student during my critical stage in research. The inspiration, help and ...

rajini p antony - Homi Bhabha National Institute
Commissioner. Directorate of Technical Education. Government of Kerala, Padmavilasom, Fort. Government of Tamil Nadu.
Annual Report 2014?2015 - IIT Madras
Vijayamohanan, Kunjukrishna Pillai, b. 1960, Ph.D. (IISc),. Director, CSIR ... Vijayamohanan, K. Electrochemical Power Sources, Functional Materials ...
YEAR BOOK 2015 - Indian Academy of Sciences
D Jeyakumarand K Vijayamohanan Pillai; Electrochimica Acta,. 242, 337 (2017) ... Tapan K Paine, Prof. Parthasarathi. Dastidar, Prof.Somobrata Acharya. Dr ...
annual report - IACS
Prof. Vijayamohanan K Pillai, Former. Director, CSIR-CECRI, Professor,. IISER Tirupati. Tutorial on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and ...
Hkkjrh; izkS|ksfxdh laLFkku jksiM+ - IIT Ropar
I am extremely glad to present the annual report of CSIR-NIIST for the year 2014-15 to you. While I congratulate all my colleagues of.
ANNUAL REPORT 2014 - csir-niist
Prof. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai,. Registrar, I.I.S.E.R., Tirupati highlighted that RSC has taken the initiative to support teachers to develop scientific ...
Darpan - Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's
The polymer research in our country also started here under the leadership of the eminent Prof. S. R. Palit from 1947. This conference is held under the ...
Book of Abstracts - Society for Polymer Science India (SPSI)
Prof. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, IISER Tirupati. 8. Prof. M. Eswaramoorthy, JNCASR, Bengaluru. 9. Prof. P.A. Joy, NCL, Pune. 10. Prof. A.C. Bhasikuttan, BARC, ...
FCS-23 - Department of Chemistry | University of Calicut
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, popularly. Nnown as IACS, is a legend of scientific attainments and creativity in the natural sciences.
2019-20 - IACS
The 27th midyear meeting was organized during 1-2 July 2016 at the Indian Institute of Science and the. 82nd Annual meeting at IISER Bhopal.
2016?2017 - Indian Academy of Sciences
Director, IISER-Mohali, Punjab. Prof. Bhaskar Ramamurthi. Director, IIT-Madras, Chennai. Page 89. 87. ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2013 - 2014. Dr. Vijayamohanan ...
5 Annual Report & Accounts 2013-2014
Areas of consultancy and income generated: The school offers consultancy services in the area of mental health and disability.