views on the proposed Confederation of nations of Malay origin, the proposed. Federation of Malaysia, the Philippine claim to North Borneo and related.

1933 congressional record-senate -
The Malay race, it has been said with a good deal of justice, has only produced one man whose ability deserves, and has acquired, a world ...
Southeast Asian Anthropologies - OAPEN Library
They belong primarily or almost exclusively to the Malay race. If time permitted and it were thought at all necessary, much might be said concerning the ...
Vol. 30, 1992.tif
the equal capacity of Philippine society and a Malay ?race? to that of white Europeans, an endeavor that would be reflected by others. Page 36. Concepts of ...
The Spanish Pacification of the Philippines, 1565-1600 - DTIC
This case merits a closer scrutiny considering that both Filipinos and. Malays have sprung from roughly the same racial and cultural origins, although the ...
A Census Type, Soc - ERIC
He is regarded as the national hero of the Filipinos as well as the ?pride of the Malay race? (Palma 1949). His writings awakened his ...
Cavite Chabacano Philippine Creole Spanish - UC Berkeley
The last major conquest of the 16th century Spanish period of expansion was the. Philippines--a subject that has received little attention and scholarship.
sex and ancestry estimation methods in modern filipino crania
Anti-Filipino race xiots occurredid Exeter, California:in late 1921 . and in ... Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines, Presently, there are.
This dissertation provides a grammatical description and sociohistorical account of the Cavite variety of Philippine Creole Spanish (PCS), also known as ...
Sex and Ancestry Estimation Methods in Modern Filipino Crania
Beginning in the mid-1920s, anti-Filipino race riots occurred in various ... authorities regarded Filipinos as Malay, not Mon- golian. For example, in ...
Acculturation and negotiation of identity - Massey Research Online
The concept of race within ancestry estimation is also discussed. Chapter III focuses on the geographical, historical, and forensic context of the. Philippines.
ethnic and religion identities of malay-muslim community ...
... Malay? Filipinos, Yellow refers to East Asians such as Chinese and Japanese, White refers to European descent, and Black includes both. Negritos and African ...
Ethnically and racially, the majority of Filipinos are considered Austronesian, having a kinship with similar populations in Indonesia and Malaysia, while there ...