REFOCUS - Research Into Recovery

Residents, staff, and researchers collaborated to develop principles for a recovery-oriented practice, which were then to be integrated into practice. A ...

THE CURRENT LANDSCAPE - Mental Health Victoria
Te recovery-oriented practice goes beyond symptom reduction and treatment adherence but calls for patient- centred care [9]. Nurses in Botswana ...
oriented practice in acute inpatient psychiatric - Curtin University
In line with this understanding, recovery-oriented practices cannot be standardized and implemented but need to be developed in relation to the local contexts ...
MHER Strategic Plan - Engaged in Recovery -
The staff's recovery orientation has been shown to be higher in outpatient settings than in inpatient services. [17?19]. But it has also been ...
ST Vincent's Mental Health Service Wide Strengths Assessment
Objective: The Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) is one of the most used recovery measures in recovery-oriented practice evaluation for people with mental health ...
Competing representations of recovery-oriented rehabilitation in dual
In 2012 the first PBRN in the nation focused on individuals with serious mental illnesses?the Recovery-Oriented Care Collaborative?was established in Los ...
Insights in recovery: A consumer-informed guide for health ...
community-based recovery supports, and medication. ? A recovery-oriented approach to counseling accepts that recovery from problematic substance use has.
A Recovery-Oriented Approach for an Acute Psychiatric Ward - CORE
In its entirety, the Curriculum presents a comprehensive training program in recovery oriented principles and practices to help people with serious mental.
TIP 65 Counseling Approaches to Promote Recovery From ...
When providing a recovery-oriented program like the IMR program, it is essential that the staff knows about clinical as well as personal.
Recovery to Practice Initiative Curriculum - (SMI) Psychology
The PROS model is based on a strong community of participants at all stages of recovery. Programs ?meet people where they're at,? engaging participants in ...
Illness Management and Recovery - Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri
The Life Course of AOD Problems in the United States. Natural Recovery. Community versus Clinical Populations. Moderated Resolution of AOD Problems: Community ...
RecoveRy ManageMent and RecoveRy-oRiented SySteMS of caRe:
Providing adequate staff training in the flexible delivery of recovery-oriented programs is also an ongoing issue for mental health services [28, 29]. The ...
Implementation of a recovery-oriented model in a sub-acute ...
This discussion paper aims to outline and reflect on the conceptual framework and group structure of recovery-oriented reflective practice ...