State of the Art and Potentialities of Graph-level Learning - IRIS

The main result is that any local property of multi-dimensional arrays is testable with a sublinear number of queries via a canonical non-adaptive testing ...

Surveys in Combinatorial Optimization - Free
cost vector associated with the shortest path in time in Popt(u,v) ... The binary decision variable xr takes the value 1 if the route r is.
Bernhard Korte Jens Vygen - Mathematisches Institut
Strength of individual connections versus their centrality in terms of shortest-path edge betweenness centrality. The lower panel shows the same ...
DIMACS - David A. Bader
More precisely, the flow is sent along a shortest walk that may contain directed cycles of zero cost, but a shortest path can easily be derived from such a walk ...
Fast Algorithms in Highly Structured Settings - Omri Ben-Eliezer
The Dijkstra algorithm is a simple algorithm that computes the shortest path between two nodes in weighted graphs. All kinds of weighted graphs ...
Vehicle Routing Problems with road-network information - HAL Thèses
Note that there might be several shortest paths between the vertices u and v with exactly the same minimum weight, so the choice of Puv is not ...
Optimal Communication in Brain Networks - bioRxiv
Abstract We discuss an algorithmic scheme, which we call the stabilized structured. Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition method, for solving large-scale structured ...
Efficient Algorithms for Graph Optimization Problems - CORE
In this thesis we study fundamental problems that arise in optimization and its ap- plications. We present provably efficient algorithms that achieve better ...
Accessibility analysis for emergency service vehicles - Geofabrik
The matrices ? and. ? lie inside the cone, and the matrix L = Log?(?) lies in the tangent space of ?. The shortest path connecting ? and. ? is the geodesic ...
A Stabilized Structured Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Method
requests and the selected shortest path for i the Euclidean distance between sj and any vertex of the shortest path for i is at least two. As vertices of ...
Optimization Everywhere: Convex, Combinatorial, and ... - SciSpace
... Matrix multiplication and dot products are via the dot: 881, 2<, 83, 4<<.85 ... 1091, 1093, 1097<. If one wants the nonprimes, a different approach is ...
A Geometric Approach for Generating Feasible Configurations of ...
Two vertices on boundary are rank-1 binary. extreme directions yyT of the positive semidefinite cone where entries of vector y ? Rn belong to {±1} and exercise ...
Euclidean Distance Matrix - Stanford CCRMA
The topic of this thesis is the classical problem of searching for a sequence of keys in a binary search tree (BST), allowing the ...