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The intrusive rocks are quartz diorite, granite, and porphyry. The Jurassic System and the intrusive rocks are overlain unconformably by Upper Tertiary- ...
MBMG 254-sheet 1.tifClay. +++. +++. DRILL BREAKS. WATER ENTRIES. Diorite. TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH. 7527'. +++. 4324'. TD LOCATION. 37' N -170'E. 11677820_05.pdfIn this study, we describe a silica-bearing lunar ig- neous rock, tentatively classified as a diorite, that is not enriched in incompatible elements. The silica ... HOLETd ? Diorite (Miocene) ? Biotite-hornblende diorite and less abundant hornblende diorite. Unit is locally foliated. Gradational contact with Orocopia. LUNAR SILICA-BEARING DIORITEFigure -1- Carte de localisation du Projet T.D.. S.N.R.C. 32D/9. 2. Figure -2 ... que de minces masses ou dykes de diorite et gabbro, sub-concordants aux ... 2022-Cemetery_Ridge_compilation_geomap CM-22-A - v2.3Most examples of magma mingling described in the literature result from the intrusion of hot mafic magma into colder felsic magma. GM 41022 - Géologie QuébecMod`ele interprétatif de la formation des rifts Ouest-européens et de l'évolution du magmatisme du Massif Central par traction du slab `a ... TD 1 - Le volcanisme du Massif Central - EVI 883Td. Td. RO PLAYA. KVV. RIO ATRATO. LAS ARENAS. INTRUSIVE ROCK. Diorite (Tertiary):. Hornblende diorite, comprises variant of quartz diorite. monzonile and ... Dwg. 00Diorite, diorite quartzifère et tonalite. Granodiorite et tonalite porphyrique à quartz. Monzonite, granodiorite et diorite. Monzogranite. Pluton de la Bale ... ET202101PLAN001.pdf - Géologie QuébecTd Diorite. (Tertiary). 25. Td. Little. 36. Blackfoot River. Td. 35. 33. 34. 35. 36. 130. 26. R. 9 W. GEOLOGIC MAP AND STRUCTURE SECTIONS OF. PHOSPHATE AREA ... UntitledThe lower density interval most likely indicates occurrences of Ävrö granite-granodiorite and the higher density interval most likely correspond to Äspö diorite ... Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory ? Interpretation of geophysical borehole ...Gabbro-Diorite Dike Complex. Td. Diorite Including Quartz Diorite. Tg. Gabbro. Tgn. Noritie Gabbro. IDC-B-20. Sample locations. Tng. Gabbroic Norite. Tn. Norite. IDC-B-20Le complexe plutonique de Charroux-. Civray (Vienne) appartient au socle cris- tallin sous couverture sédimentaire mésozoïque du seuil du Poitou.
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