The West Coast clinic will be held at Gethsemane Lutheran Church, ... life at Second Church, Brooklyn, N.Y.. Mr. Alexander dedicated many or- gans ...

the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, and organist of Temple Emanu-El, New. York. She attended summer sessions of the Juilliard School of Music, where she.
The Diapason 1947-10-01: Vol 38 Iss 11
A host of people including faculty advisors, librarians, ministers, and holiness lay members contributed to the successful conclusion of this study.
An historical evaluation of the holiness movement in America
for every believer. The hymns of Jesus are the Holy of holies in the temple of sacred poetry. From this ...
Christ in song : hymns of Immanuel
Matthew Baptist Church, Spokane, Wash.------------. 3- 1?Rev. E. Wesley ... Gethsemane (Greater) Indianapolis, Ind., Rev. F. H. Dillard-------. First ...
National Baptist Convention of America - AWS
Th e divin e charge to take the word of the Lord to the whole world is laid upon all who wear the name of Christ, and God is pleased with all who have a ...
Missionary Pictorial - CORE
Seventh Day Adventist church rented for Sundays, and start lay-reading ser ... Brooklyn? Trinity Church : Gen.......... 11 25. Byram? St. John's : Gen ...
The Spirit of Missions, 1910 - The Archives of the Episcopal Church
BETWEEN OURSELVE S. Some friends were disappointed when the new translation of the Epistles of St . Paul, by Arthur. Way, went out of print so soon after ...
Bible Study Monthly 1952
Printed and published monthly for the Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publish ing Association, Washington, D.C., ...
THIS MONTH - Ministry Magazine
After all, our evangelists are our most conspicuous front line men. They are spokesmen for the church, and should represent the body. Far better is the dig.
Tbe Cburth ffitere v iziWte
The first Seventh- day Adventists church was organized at Washington,. New Hampshire. 1849 First paper published, Present Truth. 1852 Youth's ...
A Star gives Light
Gethsemane SDA School. Raleigh, NC. Greater Atlanta Adventist Acad ... into the SDA Church by Elder T.D. Buckner, who impressed upon them ...
Pharmacologia, seu manuductio ad materiam medicam
CIENTIA Materiae Medicae eft Res maximi momenti, tam. Medicis, quam Pharmacopceis & Chirurgis, fine qua quanti errores, quantae ftrages!